Friday, 14 December 2018

Week 13: english languaje challenges

About the comments i can make about my experience learning english at university, I think it was enriching to my self, learning in a diferent way. I took the third and four level of english in this university and I feel the teaching here is innovative, not like a boring expositive class. Here we have activities, blog sessions, videoblog sessions, role playing, a lot of differents task and activities that make the learning too much enriching.
About the use of blogs, I think is an excellent idea, but need more diversity of themes, because there is some blog sessions that were so boring. A appropriate pool of themes would be more exciting and involved.
About the aspects of my English I need to be improved, I think I need more practice in my talking and expression, because, even if I understand english, read text in english and understand someone who is talking to me, my principal lack is my difficulty to express and replay someone in english. I feel so nervous when someone talk to me and I can't answer because my mind is going down.
How do I plan to do this? literally "throw me to the sharks", talk and write more between my friends who talk more english like spanish and be more sociable in english forums about the things I like: videogames, seres, anime, etc.
About how much I'm you using english these days, actually, only to read text and papers in english, watch series without subtitles and play videogames with the text and sound in english.

Friday, 7 December 2018

Week 12: Changes to my study programme

The type of changes I would do to my carrer are so much, because I think psychology in this university has a lot of deficient aspect.
About the curriculum, I add more formative subjects in the basic cycle, because we learn about theory, but practise, nothing. For example, we have a subjetc in first year called "basic psychological process" when we lean about things that we learnt in other subjetcs, a completly waste of time!
About the Workload and length of studies, the first is so stressful, Literally this semester I have no time for anything was study. I left my social life, the videogames, a good sleep, so mey things. The second, I think we need another year to finish in calm the thesis because in fifth year we have  the diplomate, the practice and the thesis toghether and that makes everyone run in circles of desperation. Ohter way to fix the problem is adjust the curriculum and anticipate the thesis.
About the faculty facilities (buildings and infrastructure), even if we have a new bulding, this is for academics and students of post-grade. The sudents of pre-grade doesn't have enough classrooms, and the classroms of the old bulding are small and warm.
Too many teachers need to learn about basic need of their studens, like a good schedule of sleep or give them spaces to rest between the semester, because there some teachers who didn´t know about that (in my humble opinion).
About the use of technology, I think we have so many potential in this because that facilitate the learning process.