"Star Wars". A franchise that I really love. I would talk about the first time I saw the saga or about my collection of figures, teddies and comics. But today I wanna talk about their music, because there is one thing what characterize: the orchestal arragments.
The soundtrack of all Star Wars movies of the principal saga was composed by John Williams (Jaws, Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter and others). Also, Rogue One and Solo has a different compositors (Michael Giaccino and John Powell respectively).
The music awakes in me a lot of emotions, empowering the fantstic story with a greate music, that makes me feel exicted.

Theres some themes associates with every character or moment of the movies, like luke's theme, the force's theme, the imperial march, the ressistance march, etc. Every theme announces what it comes and predict what kind of things can happen, for example, if you heard the yoda's theme you know he is about to do something very special (my favorute was when he recovered the luke's X-wing from the swamp with the force).
My top 5 of themes is: 1. The force theme, one of me most characteristic themes of the saga. 2. The imperial march, a great song that announces Darth Vader is comming. 3. The Duel of fates, because is one of the few themes have a coral arragments, it's an epic and exiting song. 4. "Your father would be proud of view", one of the final themes of Rogue one, at my opinion, one of the best themes that fits perfectly with their scene (also the only scene of a tar Wars movie that makes me cry). 5. Rey's theme, an inspirational theme that suppose the journey of her. Bonus track: the cantina them, because is a catchy song.